About Us


Selection and Deployment

There are number of procedures to be followed during the selection of a candidate for the placement. We make sure that the right person gets into the right place without any kind of hassle for the employee and the employer.

Pre  Labour Approval

After receiving the authorized Demand Letter from the respective company, the document are presented for Pre  Labour Approval. The Labour Department of Foreign Employment Nepal analyzes the document and approve the further processing.


The Demand Letter which is approved from Labour Department of Foreign Employment of Nepal is published in National daily/weekly newspaper for collecting documents. AI Samit Manpower Pvt Ltd uses different tools like Internet, SMS, telephone etc. in order to inform and collect documents. The documents ate either collected via direct candidates or sub agents/marketing executives.

Candidate Screening/Interview

We then maintain upto date bank of potential candidate with full information on their skill and education, technical knowhow and experience as per the employer criterion. AI Samit manpower Pvt. Ltd. shall make the short list the candidate for pre-interview. During pre -interview, the short list candidates are given priority on merit basis giving opportunity to all. The final interview for the shortlisted candidates will be conducted by the employer himself or his representative by taking an oral, written and practical test. If the employer or his representative is not  available then we arrange for telephone or skype live interview.


Departments of AI Samit Manpower Pvt. Ltd. is fully computerized amd networked in order to provide our clients and the candidates the best and prompt service. Our staffs members are always committed and ready to help its clients providing quality manpower service.

Medical Checkup

Only selected candidate will send for full medical examination to the medical center authorized by government of Nepal. The cadidtaes who are physically and mentally fit are eligible to sign the employment contract and he/she should be entitled for further visa procedures.

Visa Processing

We send all the necessary documents as per the requirement for  further visa processing like passports copies, photographs, medical reports, experience certificates, Police reports etc. to the employer.


After receiving the job offer or employment visa, the orientation classes are compulsory organized by government registered technical institutes of Nepal which provide full information about laws and orders, immigration policies and religion of respective country. It helps to create awareness and make cordial relation between employer and employee. Besides this we give full information about the company, work place, job descriptions etc. before flight.

Final Permission from Labour Department of Foreign Employment

All the necessary documents like original passport, visa copy (original if not issued online), medical report, orientation certificate, insurance policy are submitted in Labor Department of labour analyzes the documents and provides final approval.

Travel Arrangement

As soon as visa endorsed (passport or paper) are received, we give travel booking to our Travel Agency or directly to concern airlines to confirm seats to the nearest airport of the original country or we wait joining air ticket from our client. After the flight confirmed we sent flight details to our employer requesting them for airport pick-up and hostel arrangement.  

Recruitment Processes

If attested original papers are made available before interview processing, we don’t need to relay on local agent. This is aimed at providing neat and hassle-free services to employment seekers based on the country’s labour Act. Every day, hundreds of youths come to our company for overseas employment. Some people apply through email with their bio data and work experience. We store them on our databank for future purpose.

Basically, we select manpower through tests and other techniques. If special manpower with specific experience is needed, we use our official network located in different districts.

We go through three interview techniques to select the right candidates:

  1. Video Conferencing:

This is for those who are too busy to come to Nepal to interview the candidates. We make every arrangements for the interview between employers and the employee through video conferencing.

  1. Direct:

Many employers visit Nepal for final interview. We make all necessary preparations for interview. We call short-listed candidates for the particular day. We have fully equipped AC room and other modern facilities; computer, telephone, internet, and all that an interview might need.

  1. On behalf of Employer:

Sometimes our valuable clients gives us full authority to manpower consultants for entire selection procedures. In such, we carry out interview on behalf of employer abroad and make all dispatching arrangements to the employment destination.

Trade test for Skilled Workers

We form a selection committee before making a final decision for appointment. The selection committee includes representatives from different department in the company. The selection committee caries out skill tests of all skilled manpower in the concerned discipline. Only those short-listed candidates are selected for overseas employment.  

Terms and Conditions

  1. The first party shall issue attested (Chamber of Commerce and Nepal Embassy) demand letter, power of attorney. Guarantee Letter, service agreement and employment contract letter on the name of second party mentioning the number of works, requirement, rate of their salary, working hours, Air tickets, work locations, transportations, Medical, insurance and other facilities as per concern government rules and condition including the power of attorney(Authorized the second party) to recruit and expatriate the workers from Nepal on behalf the first party.
  2. Both parties herein shall obtain the approval of the respective government to import, recruit and supply the workers as per rules of both countries government politics. In case of any conflict between government rules and the conditions of this contract, this deed of agreement shall be deemed as null and void.
  3. All the workers will be interviewed, tested and selected by the representative of the first party or by second party on behalf of first party.
  4. The second party shall make sure that all workers recommended by first party are medically fitness from GCC approved Dr./clinic/hospital and must possess a valid fitness certificate such as AIDS, T.B. and infections or any other diseases given by GCC Health Ministry standard in Nepal.
  5. The first party will grant VISA/NOC work permits of the workers issuing government authority with required necessary relevant documents.
  6. The first party will be responsible for receiving the workers from concern airport and arrange employment residence visa from respective government. And the second party shall be arranged all travel documents in respect to employment to the first party.
  7. The First Party agrees to bear the compensation in case of death or injury of the workers and also agrees to bear the cost of transport of dead body to Nepal as per the labors law of country concerned.
  8. There will three months probationary period for all workers, after completion of this period, if any workers is found unfit or unsuitable for the specific job, the worker may be terminated and repatriated at own cost and the cost will be borne by the second Party.

a.The Second party shall inform the First party of workers arrival details by any means of communication so as to receive them.

b.The Second party shall orient the selected workers about culture orientations program including social customs and government policies of the respective Country of Kingdom.

c.The Second Party should clearly inform the candidates about (1) the salary is being paid by the 1st (2) Deduction such as Iqama, etc. in case any candidates arrives without correct information and created any problem to the 1st party, the candidates will be returned back to the own country and charge for the same as penalty will be deducted.

d.The workers are not allowed to take part any kind of political activities and are prohibited to connect themselves with the exiting trade unions of the country concerned.

e.The workers are barred from changing their employment during the period of contract with their employer and shall not carry out any money earning activities, business with any individual or company, without written permission from the First party.